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Fight For What's Right  - It's Time For A Second Chance!

Support People Who Have Worked Hard To Change and Take Advantage of Educational Programs 

Support Parole Eligible Inmates

Support The Restoration of the Commutations Process

Write The Governor 

Write Your Legislator's

*Support Letter Samples Below*


Be Sure to Include the Inmate's Full Name, Location, and Inmate Number

Below is a list of suggestive letters. Please customize/personalize the letter and submit it to the proper address.

We Thank God for your prayers and support!




*Note: Please Submit letters about Parole to the address below:


Wisconsin Parole Commission                                                                                                                                

3099 Washington Avenue                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

PO BOX 7960

Madison, WI 53707-7960

Phone: 608-240-7280

Fax: 608-240-7299

parolecommission@wisconsin. gov




Dear Parole Board,


I am writing to support releasing ___ inmate number #___. My name is ___, our friends/relationship began in ____. (incarcerated person) ___ has a solid support system. He acknowledges his mistakes and is remorseful for his crimes. He has served more than twenty-five percent of his sentence. He has completed all his programs and educational requirements and maintained good behavior. I don’t understand why he has not received a parole grant yet. Years ago, he satisfied the conditions to receive a parole grant. (incarcerated person) ___ was sentenced by a judge, who set time parameters for potential release based on the laws used to impose the prison sentence. He has served sufficient time to qualify for a parole review. When people go before parole, they should not be re-sentenced, re-judged,

or re-punished for the crime a judge has already sentenced them. Truth in Sentence was adopted in 2000, when the criminal laws changed in Wisconsin. This

change resulted in Old Law people receiving fewer paroles as more focus changed to Truth in Sentence Laws. Old Law inmates are serving more time than their sentencing judges ever expected. Keeping these Parole Eligible Inmates Incarcerated when they qualify for release only adds to the Mass Incarceration epidemic

and costs taxpayers an average of $60,000 annually. (incarcerated person) ___ has a job lined up upon his release. He has a secure home, a supportive family, and many certifications and trades he obtained while incarcerated. Twenty-two years in prison has changed and matured him, allowing time for reflection and remorse

for his past mistakes. Please grant parole for (incarcerated person) ___ and his/her family. According to Wisconsin State Legislative Code 304.06, (Name) qualifies

for a parole grant. Please Restore and Unite this Family.


Thank you,

Parole Information and Sample Letters

Parole: The Wisconsin Parole Commission is the final authority for granting discretionary paroles or early release from prison for sentences handed down for crimes committed before Dec. 31, 1999. For More Information:


Dear Parole Board,


I am writing in regard to (incarcerated person) ___, inmate #__. I do not know (incarcerated person)___ personally, but I have learned a lot about him/her his wife

and children and the crime he committed and the time he has served. I know how hard it is for this family to have their loved one incarcerated, children growing up without their father, and a wife longing for the partnership and support of their family member. I also acknowledge the seriousness of the crime that was committed. 


(Incarcerated person) __ has completed all of his court ordered programs, educational requirements, he’s served more than 25 percent of his sentence, and he

has good behavior and institutional adjustment. It is my understanding that there are no additional obligations for (incarcerated person)___ to meet the legal

guidelines to receive a parole grant. (incarcerated person) __ is not a threat to society based on his behavior history. He is remorseful for his prior actions, he 

doesn’t appear to be the same person that he was when he committed his crimes, and he appears to be passionate about his family and working hard. Since all 

of his requirements have been met, every time he goes before the parole board, the only thing that they have left to review is his behavior. Since the last time

they saw him, he has been sitting idle, costing taxpayers when he has served his debt to society and deserves the opportunity to work and support his family.


It appears that (incarcerated person) __ has a strong support system through his family. They are taking every possible step to gather support to aid in his release

from prison. According to the Wisconsin laws of parole, (incarcerated person) __ has met all of the conditions to qualify for a parole grant. I am writing to request

that you grant parole for (incarcerated person) __ who has served over XX years for the crimes of (attempted armed robbery) where no one was physically hurt. He

has served more than the adequate time for his crimes. It is time to restore (incarcerated person) __ back to his family and to his community. Allow

(incarcerated person) __ to work, raise his children, pay taxes and support his family while also sparing taxpayers the unnecessary $60,000 annual cost to

incarcerate him, since all of his conditions have been met to receive a parole grant according to Wisconsin State Legislature Code 304.06 for Old Law Parole.


*The letter below was previously submitted to the parole board- (PAROLE SAMPLE LETTER - 3.)

Dear Parole Commissioner:


I am writing in regard to (incarcerated person)__, inmate # __. (incarcerated person) __ will be coming before the Parole Board early in the new year. I do not know (incarcerated person) __ very well, but I know a lot of people who know him. I am especially well-acquainted with his wife, __. I can assure you that (incarcerated person) __ has a strong, stable network of people waiting to help him when he comes home from prison. He has family who very much want him to be with them.

He has neighbors who would welcome his presence. (incarcerated person) __ committed a crime 22 years ago. Like all of us, he has changed a lot in those ( ? )

years. He poses no threat to the community. (incarcerated person) __ was sentenced by a judge in a time when parole was granted on a regular basis, very

frequently on the first or second attempt. I have been told by judges that they sentenced people back in the 90s with the assumption that there was a good chance

they would be paroled very soon after they became eligible. (incarcerated person) __ has been eligible for 8 years. Many people are very concerned that the parole system has completely broken down and that people sentenced under the “old law” are not being given a fair chance to earn their release. (incarcerated person)

__ case offers a chance to show that the system can be made to work. He has served significantly more than the necessary amount of time. He has worked hard

at his  own rehabilitation and has been a model prisoner. He has a family and a circle of support that will help him to be successful when he comes home. Please do

all you  can to ensure that (incarcerated person) __ is released soon.

Thank you.

*The letter below was previously submitted to the parole board - (PAROLE SAMPLE LETTER - 4.)

Dear Sir/Madam,


I'm writing on the behalf of ___________, inmate no,#__________. I know upon ________'s return home, he/she will have a supportive family and stable home. The (last name) family is an extremely close family, and although ( name) has been incarcerated for 2(?) years, they have remained close and supportive of one another.

 I've been in conversations with each one of the children, and they all glow when speaking about their father and generously share stories of when he was there

when they needed him most.  At key personal milestones over the course of 22 years,( name ) has been a positive presence in their lives each step of the way, and

now that the children have babies of their own, he is the grandfather of a sleuth of grandkids, who I’ve witnessed express their love through excitement when he is

on the phone. I work tirelessly to keep the immediate and extended family together. Also, over time, I have cultivated avenues for ( Name) to start a business

together with him once he is released.  I'm an entrepreneur who has owned and operated businesses in Milwaukee and is laying the groundwork for starting a new business. Understanding  that ( name ) will have employment obstacles because of his felony, I have been taking professional development business courses to

prepare for his return so that they are able to start, own, and operate a business together. He has also been taking classes inside ( the Institution ), preparing

himself for his return to the workplace. Both ( name ) and I have synchronized their ambitions and have made detailed plans for their financial

sustainability and success. I've spent a lot of time on the phone talking with ( name ). He is acutely aware of his past transgressions and the damage he has caused  Today, he has grown into a different man than he was at age 22, the time of his conviction. The qualities that I have witnessed are thoughtfulness, 

generosity in sharing his teachings and insights, excitement for life, a sense of humor and true love for his family. I've asked him some pretty tough questions over

the months about his life and the lives that he affects, and from what I gathered as a journalist who has done hundreds of interviews, I know that he is not afraid of

the truth, and understands his story to be a testimony to help others make different decisions in their lives. I strongly recommend that ( name ) be considered for

release. I know for a fact that he is not a threat to society, but rather an asset to his family and to his community. When he transitions back into society, he will be in

great company with his supportive family, who will be there to help him start a new life. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.



Commutation Information & Letter Samples





* Note: Mail letters about Commutations to the address below:

Office of the Governor 

Attn: Commutations
115 E. Capitol Drive, #1
Madison, WI 53702

(608) 266-1212

(414) 227-4344


Dear Governor Evers,
I am grateful that you have revived the humane Wisconsin tradition of issuing pardons to former offenders who have completed their sentences, but I am writing to

urge you not to stop there. Please take the additional step requested by WISDOM and use your constitutional power of executive clemency to commute the unreasonably long sentences of deserving individuals who are still behind bars, starting with the first two candidates identified by WISDOM, Israel Saldaña,
Michael Maldonado, Andrae Bridges, and James Williams. As a person of faith, I believe in second chances. I believe it’s cruel and unfair to punish individuals

forever for the worst choices they made when they were young and impulsive. My life experience has taught me that people can and do change. Reckless

teenagers almost always outgrow their proclivity for risky behavior, thank goodness; and given the right motivation and opportunities, a person who barely showed

up for high school can eventually succeed in college and have a productive career. When former young offenders have similarly transformed themselves during incarceration, it makes no sense for us to deny them a second chance at freedom. My life experience has also taught me that families and other human

relationships matter. Prolonged incarceration is a harsh punishment not only for the individuals behind bars, but also for the parents, siblings, partners, children, and other loved ones who struggle to maintain contact with them and can’t be sure they will live long enough to see them come home. Commuting some excessive sentences would bring joy to families and neighborhoods that are running low on hope. Thanks for considering this campaign, Governor Evers. I will be awaiting

word of your decision. 

Yours respectfully,


Dear Governor Evers,
I am writing to urge you to grant the request you received from WISDOM at the end of April: please commute the sentences of some deserving Wisconsin citizens

who have already been incarcerated much longer than necessary. Israel Saldaña, Michael Maldonado, Andrae Bridges, and James Williams were identified in the WISDOM petition. They received inordinately long sentences in their youth and have completely turned their lives around during their incarceration,

clearly proving that they deserve a second chance. Although these individuals are labeled “violent offenders” by the criminal-legal system and the DOC, they have resisted using violence for at least the past twenty years. Surely, that’s long enough to demonstrate that they are no longer dangerous! Permitting them to rejoin

their families and the workforce would not pose a threat to public safety, and it could send a powerful message that Wisconsin believes in redemption and second

chances. I also support the possibility of commutations because I am a concerned Wisconsin taxpayer. I am distressed by the enormous proportion of our state

budget that is being spent, decade after decade, on a mass incarceration system that is twice as big as Minnesota’s, cruelly overcrowded, and now dangerously understaffed as well. We couldn’t solve the whole problem by hastening the release of individuals who have shown by their behavior that they don’t need further
incarceration, but it would be a good start. The funds we save could better be spent on education, public health, and other measures to improve our common life

and help prevent future crime. Thanks for considering this request, Governor Evers. I will be awaiting word of your decision. 

Yours respectfully,

Pardon Request Information




* Note Mail letters and request about Pardon's to the address below:

Office of the Governor
Attn: Pardon Advisory Board
PO Box 7863
Madison, WI 53707

(608) 266-1212

(414) 227-4344

GOVPardons@wisconsin. gov

Pardon Application:

Commutation: Only the Governor can grant a Commutation for a Wisconsin conviction. Clemency refers to official actions to delay, lessen, or nullify the punishment for a crime. It usually takes one of three forms: reprieve, Commutation, or Pardon.
For More Information:
Pardon: Only the Governor can grant a Commutation for a Wisconsin conviction. Clemency refers to official actions to delay, lessen, or nullify the punishment for a crime. It usually takes one of three forms: reprieve, Commutation, or Pardon.
For More Information:

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